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February UX Events PSA

From: Rachel P.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 3, 2015, 2:12 PM

Hello Meetup’ers!

There’s a lot of stuff happening in February, and I wanted to take a minute to give some shout-outs to our partners who are going to be throwing some fantastic events in the near future.

If you’re not going to make it to the Meetup next week, here are some other sweet IA/UX events happening around town:

AIGA Seattle is putting on a design panel at Google at 2/25: A moderated panel to discuss the impact our digital centric world has had on the profession of graphic design. Awesome panelists and an awesome moderator means it should be great! Register here:

World IA Day & Infocamp is happening Saturday 2/21!
World IA Day is a *free* one-day annual conference hosted by the Information Architecture Institute and held in dozens of cities across the world, including Seattle! We are a community of like-minded professionals and enthusiasts who share the common goal of teaching, learning, and shaping the future of Information Architecture. Register here:

InfoCamp is happening as part of Seattle’s World IA Day this year, and it is your turn to participate! For those who are unfamiliar with InfoCamp, we’ll be flipping World IA Day around and asking the audience to share their thoughts and ideas on Architecting Happiness, Information Architecture, or anything else in the realm of Information Science and Technology. After a round of 30-45 second pitches, we’ll post the topics, assign spaces for presentation and discussion, and break up into smaller groups after lunch. Every InfoCamp experience, large or small, brings together a wide range of experts and knowledge seekers, seasoned speakers and novice contributors. We hope you’ll be one of them! Anyone registered for the Seattle World IA Day event also has access to Infocamp events that day.

Your friendly IA/UX Meetup Cruise Director,