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Tuesday - The Evolution of Design Agencies

From: Rachel P.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 4:21 PM

Hello IA/UX Meetup'ers!

Don't forget to RSVP for Tuesday's Meetup, 'The Evolution of Design Agencies', where we'll hear from a panel of leaders from Seattle creative shops POP and WINTR answering the question - "How do you evolve to become a true creative partner in the digital landscape?" Moderated by Chanel Reynolds from Tether and co-hosted by AIGA Seattle with help from ASIS&T PNW, IxDA Seattle, and UXPA Seattle, this is going to be a great night of learning about strategy and digital evolution!

RSVP here:

And a quick shout-out to our lovely sponsors, FullStory, General Assembly, and Moz. Visit the event page for more information on our super generous sponsors.


-Rachel, The Mildly Cheerful IA/UX Meetup Organizer


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