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Next Meetup April 14th - Storytelling, Presenting Yourself, and yep, Zombies

From: Rachel P.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 8:11 PM

Hello IA/UX Meetup’ers!

We’re 2 weeks out from another fantastic Meetup on April 14, so I wanted to take a minute to tell you a little bit about it.

Here’s a riddle for you: What does the Zombie Apocalypse have to do with the IA/UX Meetup?

The answer: Um, what DOESN’T an impending Zombie Apocalypse have to do with us? Okay, all jokes aside, the April Meetup is about real-world strategies for presenting yourself and talking about your work, no matter how abstract it may be. Join us to learn a little bit about the art of storytelling and how it applies to what we all do every day.

Sarah Braly and David Phillips are the creators of the independent comic book High Fructose Zombies. In the span of 2 years, they went from having nothing to a 6 issue graphic novel, a successful Kickstarter, and even a window display in Grand Central Station in NYC.
Come check out how Sarah and David bootstrapped their comic, learn about the ins and outs of comic creation, find the universal truths of having to talk about your work, and, of course, learn of the impending sugarpocalypse!

RSVP here:

IxDA is putting this event together with support from ASIS&T and AIGA. Also, thanks to our fantastic sponsor, Porch, for hosting the event in their space!

See you all in a few weeks!

Your friendly IA/UX Cruise Ship Director,
Rachel Price

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