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What we’re about

It's time to Give back and Pay it forward! Being a Realtor over 15 years... I love doing it still but also want to help others experience a better life! Come laugh and learn about being happier, creating better relationships and enjoying a new level of health and fitness! We'll focus on the things that really make a difference... in how you feel each day, and in how good you feel about your life! It's crazy that we weren't taught in school about how to have a successful happy life... but now is the time to make it your best life possible! 

Some of the ongoing seminar topics include "Think Happy... Be Happy!, Why are men always Right... and other Myths! How to make Women Happy... and other Myths! Date for a Mate vs Dating for Mating! Weight loss made Easy, Fitness or sickness, Train your Brain, Attitude of Gratitude, Food for Fuel, The Best 3 letter word... FUN! ;) and more! Based on proven psychological principals and happiness studies, get the facts for what creates your best life!

With 20 years experience as a counselor, speaker and life coach... these fun meet-ups will be insightful, entertaining, and not only informational... but Transformational! Come connect with others and be prepared to start living the life you've always wanted... filled with loving relationships... great health... and a positive feeling each and every day! You deserve it... Join now! And please share this link on Facebook to help make this world a better place! 


Bryan Hill - The "Happy" Realtor :)

Referrals always appreciated!