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A meanignful encounter with our Nortk Korean brothers and sisters

From: Johnchito
Sent on: Saturday, July 31, 2010, 9:35 PM
Hello, everyone!

Aug 7 Sat 6:00 PM

Seoul National Univ. Station
line 2
Seoul CALL ME[masked]

August is the last month of this long heating summer and a more pleasant fall season is coming up. We're planning to do a special meetup this Saturday with our North Korean fellows who come from different universities here in Korea. The idea is to arrange a sort of language exchange program so the foreigners can learn korean from the NKs and at the same time, the NKs practice their english. Most importantly, you'll have a experience of your life in getting to know firsthand the different stories and realities that happen in the daily life of our northern friends and als share your culture with them to give them a broader perspective of diversity.

I strongly encourage to pursue a long term relationship with them so if you are commited, then please sgn up for this meetup. Some of these students are studying in areas outside Seoul so it won't be easy to arrange meetings on a frequently basis but you can always use email or messenger to communicate with them in one way or another.

Call me if you have any questions.^^


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