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COST REDUCTION & FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION provided for the Doubletree-Tarrytown Event Saturday February 28th @ 6PM.

From: user 6.
Sent on: Saturday, February 14, 2009, 12:38 PM
[i]Hello All,

Good News, the cost for this event has been LOWERED DOWN to $ 25.00 instead of the originally posted $ 32.

In the spirit of the current economic climate, we had to postpone the scheduled comedian in the efforts to maintain a full evening of mingling and dancing from 6pm-12AM at a reduced event cost.

**Also, a huge added service for the single folks who reside in the upstate region, a Motor Coach Bus is being offered as alternative transportation by our friend, Mr. Bruce Kramer, ( Amazing Men and Fabulous Women, Meet Up Organizer ). Bruce has offered his newly purchased bus to help get people down to the event comfortably and safely. The only thing that is requested for his grand gesture is to chip in for gas, which would be nice and welcomed. Bruce is also offering free wine and cheese on the bus during the commute down!

Bus Pick up Schedule is: Saturday, February 28th @ 5:45PM, The bus meeting place will be at the, (Park and Ride, off of Interstate 84, Exit 15 / Lime Kiln Road ). This bus will leave around 6:00PM, so please be early or on time. Limited space and RSVP is required ASAP.

Hope to see everyone at the Doubletree event with a smile and let's all mingle with singles !!!

[address removed]

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