Wishing you a very happy 2025!
Welcome to the Weekly Global Business Networking event.
We are a truly global and fast growing community of businesses from across the world. The companies attending have been from across the world, from US and Canada to UK, from Europe to India, from Africa to Japan and South Korea. It is a tech focussed community of like minded business owners, startups and professionals, who are a part of this community to find customers, partnerships, contacts and to have an international reach.
This may also be your doorway to India, the world's largest (after China in market size), fastest growing and most lucrative market.
Initially the meetup was meant only for tech companies but as a community we voted and unanimously decided to open up these meetings to all businesses, not just tech companies, simply because every business runs on technology so when we talk about technology it includes all businesses.
How to join?
You can join this meeting on the online link provided. Please note that do not save this link, instead come to this page and join from the link here because this link may change from time to time.
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/dxp-xumc-sot
This event is also organized on our other groups. Please feel free to join those groups as well.
London Technology Community
Global Business Alliance
Silicon Roundabout
AI Community Meetup
How to connect with members you met?
For members who wish to connect with others they met or with past attendees there is a LinkedIn group which they can join.
Linkedin Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14493642/
For people who attend often can also join the Whatsapp group and keep in contact with the core members of our community and share leads, ideas or any calls for help or advice. To join this group add me on Whatsapp and I can add you to the group.
My Whatsapp: +44-7770028273
My Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pankajgoel/
Format of the meeting
Round 1:
For each event the attending companies would get 1-2 minutes to introduce themselves and what they are looking for, whether they are looking to introduce their technology into the market, looking for clients, looking for partners or looking for technology solutions.
Round 2:
Each member gets to ask any questions or have further comments.
Round 3:
If any time is left after Round 1 or 2, regular members can volunteer to show some slides or demos or suggest a topic of discussion.
Meetings start precisely on time and we wait for 3 minutes to allow attendees to join before the round of introductions start, so if you do not want to miss out on some of the introductions please join on time. We also have a hard stop at 1 hour if meeting lasts for 1 hour.
For safety reasons and to avoid spam and bots: While making the introduction the members camera should be on. We would remove any members who do not have their camera on. Exception to this rule would only be made for frequent attendees who we recognise once in while if their camera malfunctions.
Avoid interruptions to members. In first round of introductions you can make a note and then ask any question to wish to ask in the Round 2 after all introductions have taken place.
Businesses, startups and professionals from around the world are welcome to join including aspiring businesses but please note that primary focus of these meetings is on tech aspects of the businesses and international alliances.
Any members joining must have some relevance to business community. No quick money making schemes, MLM schemes or other such promotions would be allowed.
The reason for organising these meetups
Of course these meetups are organized for purpose of helping the business community BUT my main interest in creating this forum is to spread awareness of a revolutionary new technology Wohola X.
Wohola X
It is a revolutionary new technology with which you can build software quicker and can have better features compared to traditional technologies like React, Angular, .Net, PHP, Java and other such technologies that are currently popular for building business software.
Wohola X is an intelligent platform which automatically figures out a lot of the things so programmers do not need to write code for a large chunks of application hence reducing time and cost.
Also, most of the coding that needs to be done can be done in an enhanced version of HTML called WXML so even very low skilled programmers can build high end enterprise grade software, hence reducing time and cost.
The admins can simply click on the page edit content directly so no need for complex admin panels for managing the site, but it also means no need for programmers to build a lot of admin panels, hence reduction in time and cost.
The reductions in time and cost do not mean compromise in quality. Instead you get top notch scalability, security, performance, role based access control and so much more without hiring technical people.
You also get unmatched feature set which would cost quite a lot if it were to be built from scratch for your application. Small companies are unlikely to be able to find programmers who could provide the type of features that come with Wohola X as standard.
Unlike many other low code or no code platforms there is no limitation in Wohola X as any trained programmer can enhance the platform capability and build any new custom features or have any type of look and feel.
In general the time and cost estimates for your project are expected to reduce and quality and feature set are expected to increase simply by using this platform.
Please contact me on LinkedIn or Whatsapp to see the demo of Wohola X and see how it can benefit your company.
Download link: https://github.com/ben7265/woholax
Look forward to see you in the meeting.