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Nice group for tomorrow night

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 4:20 PM



Wendy had a great idea and it looks like other folks think so too.  I look forward to seeing Wendy and all of you tomorrow night.  I put 7:30 as a start time but I'm going to try and get there before HH is over at 7pm.  Grab a drink and some food at a discount.


Wendy is our lovely host for this event so look for her or myself and we will get a table or two together for our group.  Playing it by ear for this first event, but we will talk to management about future events once we see if it's something we want to repeat.

I'm betting it will be big fun!

Hope Chuck Hall knocks our socks off so to speak.

See you there!


Larry Head


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