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Sunday Brunch Nov 14

From: Alex D.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 9:31 PM
Don't forget our Sunday Brunch on November 14 11:00 AM!

Doubletree Inn, Riva Road, Annapolis
Featured Presentation ? Chesapeake Bay Pilots

Reservations are suggested - see contact info below

Presentation by Ron Steele and Jack Herbert, Chesapeake Bay Pilots

The discussion will cover many interesting topics surrounding a Bay Pilot?s job: how one becomes a pilot, the training required, responsibilities, Baltimore as a port, fog, small boats, AIS, radar, carry-on pilot GPS, ship docking, boarding on ladder, what a pilot actually does, who the crew are on ships, Annapolis anchorage, women on ships, continuing education, sea stories and more.

There will be Q&A session following the talk.

If you?ve ever wondered about Bay Pilots, what it takes to maneuver those huge freighters in and out of our harbors, what kind of life they live on the job, what challenges they deal with every day, this is your chance to find out, ?up close and personal.?

It will also be an opportunity to meet many members of the Singles on Sailboats club (attendance is usually several hundred), get info on our sailing activities and other off-season social events.

The event is open to the public, and anyone who relishes the unique appeal of the Chesapeake Bay is invited to attend. Feel free to bring a friend (or several). The brunch begins at 11:00 AM, with a social hour; brunch at noon followed by the featured presentation. Nonmember cost is $30.00. Contact: Barbara Peterson,[masked].

Guests will be accomodated at the door, capacity permitting. Reservations are recommended.

Hope to see you there!
-Alex Doyle

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