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New Meetup: Skating MiBe - (Mid-Miami Beach)

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 3:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sobe Rollers Skating Club & South Beach NSP!

What: Skating MiBe - (Mid-Miami Beach)

When: March 29,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hi Skaters ... (Hola Patinadores)

The Sobe Rollers are again hosting the "Skating MiBe" route the afternoon of Sunday, March 29th on Miami Beach. Skaters will meet up at 4:00 PM at La Gorce Park on 64th Street and Pinetree Drive on Miami Beach. Parking is free!

This route winds along the residential streets of Mid-Miami Beach and the neighborhood surrounding Surprise Lake. The streets are well-suited to novice skaters. We skate about 8 miles, and give you a taste of the area where we host the famous First Friday Skate. We go over a couple of bridges, but favor the roads without heavy traffic. This route even boasts a spectacular view of Biscayne Bay!

So come on out and join us if you can.

If you're coming from the South, take Alton Rd North. Turn left on Pinetree Drive (just after the big bend at 63rd Street. Pinetree Drive is the next light after La Gorce Drive. (Do not cross the bridge!) Continue on Pinetree Drive to the park. (Or ... you can take Pinetree Drive North, cross 63rd Street at the light, and continue north until you reach the park.)

If you're coming from the North, take A1A South. Get in the right lane as you approach 63rd Street and cross over the 63rd Street Bridge. Turn right at Pinetree Drive and continue to the park.

Later Skaters ...

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