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Tech Talk Update: Corporate Social Responsibility through Technology with uBack CEO Melissa Bodford and more

From: Brad S.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2018, 9:34 AM

Join us for the next Tech Talk! Friday May 11th at noon
Corporate Social Responsibility through Technology with Melissa Bodford, Co-Founder and CEO of uBack. Pizza provided as usual. >> RSVP

Studies show an increase in customer loyalty and bottom line performance for companies who are perceived to be socially responsible. Companies such as TOMS and Warby Parker have made millions using the one-for-one personalized giving mode. Come learn how digital technology can enable any company to bring a personalized one-for-one giving experience to customers to achieve increased revenue, customer loyalty and social brand.

In case you missed the last Tech Talk.
How to Win at Email Marketing with Adam Holden-Bache >> Watch the talk

Shared Leadership Summit: Friday May 4th
Shared leadership maximizes all of the human resources in an organization by empowering individuals and giving them an opportunity to take leadership positions in their areas of expertise. Great opportunity for a day of relevant learning geared towards those in corporations, non-profits, and community organizations of all types and sizes.

Signup with promo code "SKOOKUM" from noon today until noon tomorrow for $50 off

See you soon!

The Skookum Team

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