What we’re about
“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”― Robert Greene, Mastery
"In connecting the dots, traversing the gaps between fragments and stitching them together – a meaningful whole emerges." — Nick Sousanis
The 2Agility@Work meetup community is focused on how the world of work is evolving. It covers a broad range of areas from modern leadership approaches, team dynamics, and organizational design to ways of working, collaborative models, agile practices, and how we communicate; all as a pathway to business agility.
The 2Agility@Work LinkedIn group [https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12023940/](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12023940/)
Our focus is based on thinking first, values and principles next, and tools/techniques last. Therefore, we promote such frameworks, methods, and practices that are supportive of the concept of "learning to learn" at scale and look at problems from multiple perspectives in order to derive maximum utility.
• Thinking approaches (lenses) include: Natural Sciences and anthrocomplexity, Lean Thinking, Systems Thinking, Empirical Process Control, Agile manifesto, Queuing Theory, Whole Product Thinking, DevOps
• Frameworks (new languages for work) include: LeSS for org design and product development, Cynefin for complexity, sense-making and decision making, Scrum for small teams and larger multi-team Scrum
• Tools and techniques include: Various coaching techniques, Impact Mapping, Design Thinking, Wardley Mapping, Continuous integration, Continuous Delivery/Deployment, TDD, ATDD, BDD, SBE, various test automation approaches, architectural and design approaches, Viral change
We wish to encourage thought-provoking discussions, being open-minded and proactive learning. We love to share knowledge and make new bodies of work accessible to audiences far and wide. We celebrate contribution and participation.
We believe deeply in collaborative thinking, co-creation, the power of visualization, ethical leadership, diversity, and inclusion.
Everyone is welcome - a note to us all of our adherence to a code of conduct for all events.
In short, be respectful of one another!
To understand excellence you may want to read our code of conduct for events. This is designed to make sure everyone feels safe and has a harassment-free experience.
The Code of Conduct applies at all times.