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BREAKING - HOT HOT HOT: SpaceX Falcon 9 Test Rocket Launch Planned Today at Cape Canavral

From: Dr. Brian H.
Sent on: Friday, June 4, 2010, 10:00 AM
SpaceX Corporation - of Hawthorne, CA - to Test Launch its Falcon 9 Rocket Today at Cape Canavral Air Force Station in Florida
Dear SoCal Science Cafe Members
Point your browsers spaceword -- now -- in hopes to catch the Live Streaming Webcast of the test launch of SpaceX Corporation's Falcon 9 rocket -- a Southern California product -- LIVE on the WEB now!
Why??? 'Coz Falcon 9 could be the dawn of the Private Sector's answer to Constellation/Aries/Orion! 
They're test launching a space capsule on the nose cone which could someday possibly carry people into space!
So go there or be square! >>>>
Dr. Brian Hart
Astrophysicist, and Founder,
SoCal Science Cafe