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From MySD Science

From: Dr. Brian H.
Sent on: Monday, September 19, 2011, 8:08 PM




Sept 19th 2011

The Online Café for Scientists in San Diego

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Featured Event

Life Science: What's Next? Cancer Cell Diagnostics

Hear from cutting edge scientists about their work in cancer cell diagnostics and how their work is making an impact on "What's Next?".  Find out why their work has the potential to revolutionize how cancer is diagnosed and treated.


When: October 27th 4-8pm at the Torrey Pines Science Park



  • 4:00pm: Check In and Networking
  • 4:45pm: Opening Remarks and Lead Sponsor Intro
  • 5:00pm: "Fully-integrated solutions for the discovery and application of molecular markers that are predictive of patient response in clinical trials."Presentation by Dr. Thomas Broudy, Chief Scientific Officer at Molecular Response.
  • 6:00pm: Career Panel
  • 8:00pm: "The Fluid Phase of Solid Tumors: How does Cancer Spread?" Keynote presentation by Dr. Peter Kuhn from Scripp Research Institute

Cost: Free, but you must RSVP


Click here for more information.


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