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Re: [alternativeenergy-224] TEP Opinion in the AZ StarToday

From: Patrick
Sent on: Thursday, July 2, 2015, 5:30 AM
call me a dreamer, but if PV cells increase their efficiency by just a few % points, they will outprice everything, subsidies be damned.  Combine that will what Elon Musk is trying to do with battery technology, and I'm pretty sure fossil fuels are pretty doomed over the next 10 years. 

From: Steve Franks <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, July 1,[masked]:51 AM
Subject: Re: [alternativeenergy-224] TEP Opinion in the AZ StarToday

> New York State just banned fracking. Now thats a good start on bankrupting a few frackers.
> Can only hope more states follow.

It's fairly obvious from a critical reading of the media and financial
reports that no external pressure is required. Fracking is reaching
it's pull-date all by itself. Then the drop in coal usage will be but
a blip in the rearview.

i.e. -
first page of results includes articles from newsweek, forbes, etc.
This ain't conspiracy sites.

You look at the balance sheets of these clowns, and it's pretty
obvious that without ZIRP & quantitive easing to infinity, they never
would have even gotten to where they are now. They make a loss on the
gas because they are all going after oil, so there's a gas glut (gas
being a byproduct of NGL ["oil"] fracking). Followed a couple years
later by an oil glut, but everyone has to keep pumping or they go
bankrupt before 'the other guy'. Their production costs on oil are
$90-$120 a barrel. Been a long time now since we were up in that
range. They only afloat on free taxpayer loans...but just to double
down on the bad news, seems like they are the only thing keeping the
economy out of negative territory - all those states with 'growth' the
last decade? All big fracking states...and none looking too pretty
anymore this year...TX being a prime example...but I risk going O/T
even further so I will leave my soapbox there.

Curious, am I preaching to the choir? Is some variant on this common
thinking in the solar community at large of late, or are we mostly
still scratching our heads in disbelief as to root causes on climate
change and economic meltdown? The intersection of corporate & personal
consumer greed may yet put homo sapiens in the recycler...crank up the
A/C bros!


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