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Re: [alternativeenergy-224] TEP Opinion in the AZ StarToday

From: Steve F.
Sent on: Friday, July 3, 2015, 5:38 AM
As submitted to the editor:

"One only has to look online for a graph of hourly electricity pricing
to see through Mr. Hutchen's argument. Electricity is at it's most
valuable in the afternoon when our A/C's are all running, and
expensive 'peaking' plans must be spun up to match the additional
demand. As such, solar provides a huge economic benefit to utilities
at this time, when the sun is at it's highest as well. Under net
metering rules, however, solar owners are only compensated at the
lower midnight wholesale rates. I ask you to follow the numbers and
draw your own conclusions about which party is being unfairly
compensated in this transaction.

Steve Franks, Electrical Engineer"

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