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Welcome to December

From: Remy G.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 11:14 AM
Hard to believe, SoCoPhoGro memebers, its the last month of 2010.

It's been a fantastic year of meetups and photo sharing - great suggestions and fun times. Thank you all for your participation - whether you've attended all of the meetups or one; uploaded images to folders or made comments for others - you are all a great part of making this group successful.

Our last 2 meetups for the year are taking place this Thursday night in Windsor, and this Saturday after noon in Marin. Please take a second and update your RSVP for these events.

There are a few ideas posted for future meetup events, and we'd like to hear from you as we begin planning outings for 2011. Our goal is to meetup every 3-4 weeks - whether its weekend or weekday events, day or night...we are all in it for the fun and the practice of photography.

Ray will continue with his "tip of the month" which can be found under the 'about' tab from the home page. If you haven't read thru them in a while, go check them out. Awesome stuff! Suggestions for questions you want answered, or tips you'd like to get, let us know.

As we move into 2011, we'll be looking for local sponsors for the meetup site. If you own a business, or know a business owner who would like to advertise here on our SoCoPhoGro site, email us and we'll give you some information about how easy it is to support your local businesses!

A folder for Decembers Photo Challenge will be up today - "Your Year with the SoCoPhoGro" - will showcase your images that best represent your experiences of our meetups in 2010! Show us your faves, your best - and celebrate a year well done!

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you....

Remy and Ray
co organizers

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