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What we’re about

"What is next big thing" in the PM and SDLC area. Disruptive forces, especially COVID-19, is showing us that modifications and hybrids of scaled agile as well as other agile frameworks tools etc are mature.  They are no longer meeting the changes of today. On the marketing curve, agile is at the late adapter point.  It has become business as usual.

The following describes my next endeavor ... let's move forward.

See the article:

 If you can make tools that support these new <agile> workflows, you might earn a nice living.  If you come up with a means of truly disrupting agile in favor of the next big movement in software, you can write your own ticket the way the pioneers of agile did before you. - Erik Dietrich, founder of DaedTech And Founder and CEO of Hit Subscribe.

Look for a new What's Next meetup group!

Doug Carter