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New Meetup: Smithville Walk

From: Laurie P.
Sent on: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 9:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for South Jersey Bernese Mountain Dogs!

What: Smithville Walk

When: Sunday, April 25,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Smithville Park Eastampton, NJ (Burlington County)

We will meet at the MAIN ENTRANCE parking lot of the Mansion Complex on Smithville Road. See the web site for directions and mapSmithville Park Eastampton NJ
Bring a lunch and join us for a 3 mile trek along the Rancocas River, through the woods, along a floating trail on Smilthville Lake, and through a field area in Smithville Park of Burlington County. Bring an extra long leash and let your dog take a dip in the river.

Dogs must be on leashes at all times and dog?s waste removed.
Park has:
? Hiking, biking trails
? 600-foot floating trail on Smithville Lake
? Picnic areas with playground and group pavilions
? Drinking fountains
? Restroom facilities

Learn more here: