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Lead a Hike for the South Bay Ramblers?

From: Dawn
Sent on: Friday, May 28, 2010, 1:34 PM
Hi South Bay Ramblers,

Some of you expressed an interest in leading us on a hike when you joined the group. We are currently working on our summer schedule and would love to hear from you.

If you are interested in leading a hike, please email me your available dates and hike details so I can set you up to add your hike/event on our meet-up. Leading us on just one hike per year will waive your membership dues.

Our regular scheduled hikes (see dates below) are held twice monthly on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month and we like to schedule these hikes in advance so you all have hikes to look forward to and put on your calendar. We also welcome hikes on any other Saturdays of the month if none of these dates work for you.

July 10th - TBD
July 24th - Marcia - Henry Cowell Redwoods
August 14th - TBD
August 28th - Dawn - Fall Creek
September 11th - TBD
September 25th - TBD

I?ve really enjoyed hiking with many of you at some of our recent hikes and for those of you who haven?t come out yet, I?m looking forward to hiking with you real soon.

Happy hiking!
