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What we’re about

So many people have uttered the words, "I wish I could make video games." 

If you're one of those people, or you DO make video games with Unity, this meetup is for you! 
It doesn't matter if you know how to, or not. Everyone with a desire to create the art and craft of video games is welcome. 
We want everyone to succeed so we focus on the Unity game engine so that every meetup is an opportunity to get better.
We talk about aaallll the parts that go into making video games with Unity: art, music, programming, animation, modeling, and even distribution and sales. 
Unity makes it easy to publish your game to many, many platforms including PC/Mac, iOS, and Android and to explore VR, AR, and more. 
Making games is challenging and fun
Join us and bring your creativity!

Connect with us:

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