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What we’re about

Speculative Futures Amsterdam is a component chapter of the global Speculative Futures community.
Speculative Futures is an international community of meetups focused on Speculative & Critical Design, Design Fiction, Futurism, and Strategy & Foresight, and any vision or approach which involves using design as a vehicle to speculate about potential or alternate futures. Speculative Futures is an effort steered by the Design Futures Initiative.
Are you also interested in those topics? You are welcome to join us!

We host speakers — practitioners, designers, artists, teachers, students, and other professionals who will be talking about relevant praxis and methods and inspiring projects about future thinking and envisioning futures.

We also host workshops that will allow you to learn how to conduct and apply futures thinking in a variety of circumstances as a method of synthesis and strategy.
Speculative Futures is organized in city chapters around the world.

The Amsterdam Chapter of Speculative Futures is hosted by Nicole Spit and Mari Fujiwara.

You can also follow us on Instagram: @Futures_Amsterdam.
And on LinkedIn : Speculative Futures Amsterdam

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