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Walking Mindfulness Meditation-Virtually via zoom

Photo of Joan
Hosted By
 Walking Mindfulness Meditation-Virtually via zoom


We will begin assembling at 7pm, chatting on zoom and start meditation at 715 pm. I invite you to join me in a virtual walking meditation. I plan on walking at a nearby Park, you can walk and meditate anywhere convenient to you. Or sit in your usual place:) We will be connected via zoom
the entire time, and chat afterwards as always. Remember to practice physical distancing and wear masks when appropriate.

The purpose of this meditation group is to support each other in developing (and continuing!) our own mindfulness meditation practices and, in a more general sense, to actively build community, one of the core features of Sunday Assembly.

Even during these times of physical and social distancing because of COVID-19, connecting with one another is essential. Read more about SAA's response to the situation (and why we're emphasizing virtual events) here:

We normally practice a 30-minute meditation, but in our early virtual sessions, we'll go shorter to encourage newcomers. These sessions are bookended by lively discussion of our meditation experiences and topics like self, existence, nature of intimacy, relationships, and many other things.

This is a virtual meeting! Join on your computer here (if needed, the password is "community"):

To protect privacy and maintain our attendee limit, only members who have rsvp’d to this Meetup event will be admitted to the Zoom call. So be sure you rsvp!


While there are many (too many?!) resources for those who are new to mindfulness meditation, here are a few that folks in our group have noted as having been helpful to them:

Two-minute Happify video (

Sam Harris' book, "Waking Up" especially chapter one ( (provided both as text and as audio)

David Nichtern meditation instruction (

If you're concerned about not being able to meditate for 30 minutes, please don't let that stop you! You can meditate as much or as little as you want during the 30 minutes and then just quietly daydream until time is up and we'll never be the wiser. :)

Photo of Sunday Assembly Atlanta group
Sunday Assembly Atlanta
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