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Re: [SwampROMP] Hello all! PLEASE READ; I am the new Swamp ROMP organizer (hopefully temporarily, for 1 month)

From: user 9.
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2015, 2:46 PM
Event fee is better. I'm in other groups that charge by event. I haven't been able to ride in a year but I still want to be in the group in case things change for me.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 4, 2015, at 2:43 PM, Daryl <[address removed]> wrote:

I'm new to the group so my input might not mean much but I enjoyed my first ride last weekend and would hate to see the group shut down. I know you said there are 359 members but how do we go about getting that number down to those that actually participate?  If we knew that number we might be able to come up with  reasonable dues.  Charging event fees or dues ($15) is fine with me and I'm willing to help in anyway I can.  I'm a new rider and haven't done the whole SRT yet but am working my way to it. Let me know what I can do to help.  Daryl

From: Andre Mathis <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, June 4,[masked]:04 PM
Subject: Re: [SwampROMP] Hello all! PLEASE READ; I am the new Swamp ROMP organizer (hopefully temporarily, for 1 month)

On Thursday, June 4,[masked]:26 PM, Jeff Knox <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi guys & gals,

To me, letting Swamp R.O.M.P. shut down is T-totalling ridiculous. I don't make every ride, but rides with this group on the S.R.T. are almost the only time I even get to ride.  After gunshots were heard near the Swamp Rabbit Trail several years ago, yeah the city increased police presence, but I made it a rule to never ride alone again.  I'm more than willing to kick in a bit if this group is only shutting down due to lack of funds.  The cost is $15 per month, and there are 359 members of this group at the moment, so if we split it evenly, it comes out to just over $0.04 (call it a nickel) per person, per month.  That's IT?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? Would you be willing to kick in a nickel a month to have this bike group remain available?
Independently of funds, maybe Arthur lost the time or interest in running this, and that's totally fair of course.  I often don't have enough free time to do the things I need to do, so I'm not looking to take on more things that compete for my attention... but in the event no one steps up, I might step up as organizer, but I gotta warn ya now, I might suck at it.  At least, I'd probably be a very hands-off leader."Yeah, yeah, schedule your own rides whenever ya want, don't bother me about it."  :-) The reason I'm the organizer at all right now is that I tried to send a desparate plea to everyone, but it turned out that the email list shut down the minute Arthus stepped down as organizer.  I yapped at Meetup so much that we wound up having me become the organizer for 1 month only so I could send this email.
So... at the end of the day, I'm looking for a new leader besides myself and then also co-sponsors.  The more co-sponsors we get, the less it'll cost.  I've heard everyone can make voluntary contributions, but I've also just proposed a new prorated-pay-per-play system to Meetup, where the monthly fees are divvied up among those who actually showed up in the last month.  So the more rides you joined on, the bigger your share and vice-versa.  That seems inordinately fair to me... dunno if that'll happen though.
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." --Helen Keller
I'm looking for-- in the next few weeks-- people to commit to paying a share of the monthly Meetup fees.  Then I'll take the number of people who commit and use that to divide up the $15 fee somehow, I haven't worked it out yet.  So who's in?
...  Got a response from Meetup as I was writing this.  The options are:
1) *Member Dues*
An organizer can set up mandatory Member Dues that recur on a monthly or yearly basis. You’ll find more information about Member Dues here:[masked]-start-charging-member-dues
2) *Meetup Event fees*
Instead of charging recurring dues, an organizer can also charge members to attend specific Meetups. You can read about setting event fees here:
3) *Contributions*
Alternatively, an organizer can set up voluntary 'Contributions,' which allow members to donate an amount of their choosing to the organizer. You can read more about Contributions here:[masked]
I'm not a fan of using voluntary contributions since (a) I might get stuck with the whole bill, and (b) it's not really split fairly.  My first thought is to charge small event fees until we hit $15, then free for the rest of the month.  What are y'all's thoughts?
Thanks all, Jeff Knox

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Daryl ([address removed]) from Swamp R.O.M.P. (Swamp Rabbit Open Minded People).
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