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Night for next meeting / Turtle - Sunday night at Gleebooks

From: Teri
Sent on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 10:25 PM
Thanks to all the quick messages back and a batch of rsvp's for the original date. There's a democratic vote and a flurry of sign-ups for that night, so we'll stay with the virtual show of hands.

Thanks to those too who indicated either night was fine or preferred the latter but were happy to go with the majority. Thinking about it quickly, that still leaves us time to squeak in a year-end night in the first Tues. in very early December and designate that as Christmas drinks evening too...for subsequent creative organisation.

Just as a free extra, I went on Monday night to Gleebooks to hear Phillip Adams introduce/interview his former ABC Radio National colleague Gary Bryson about his first novel, Turtle. Gary read from the book, which is loosely inspired by his own unusual family and childhood in Glasgow.

He is again at Gleebooks for this week's Sunday Bookclub, as the featured author, if you want to go along. He both writes and speaks well and I'm inclined to read Turtle.

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