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We truly hope you can make it.

From: Anna C.
Sent on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 8:04 PM
Hello Meetup Friend,
We truly hope you can make it. 
It will not be the same without YOU! 

The Nepal Benefit Festival will be special.... a heart-felt, high energy event that you will long remember as a highlight of 2013.
We are excited. Note that we only have room for 150 people so we suggest that you sign up very soon.

Through Sunday 9/7 (midnight) we will give you an extra raffle ticket when you sign up (so you will get 2 instead of 1).

Many individuals and companies have come forth to donate time & goods to make our Super Raffle truly amazing(!!).
One prize has a $2885 value. Please check it out at:
Until soon. Anna

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