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To all Dr. T Friends and Fans

From: Anna C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 14, 2013, 9:52 AM
Dear Dr. T Friend,
Are you aware that, thanks to the skin clinics, Dr T takes care of over 3000 children in Nepal? He works tirelessly like a mad man around the clock. You can't even imagine how much he does day by day and how little he sleeps. I think he can only handle it because it is his life's passion coming from his heart. To me he is a true hero like Mother Theresa. Do you know that Dr T was recently nominated to become "Country Director of Nepal" - a special honor given by the Nepali Social Welfare Council to people/organizations who make significant donations to the Nepal Society over a long period of time. I think he deserves this.
Dr T's school network in Nepal is growing so rapidly that his efforts to single handedly take care of his project will not work anymore. He needs support. This is why I and a board of lovely people are organizing for the first time the Nepal Benefit Festival that's coming up in two weeks. Over the last four months, I have put a lot of love and effort into making this event an unforgettable experience. (We have a super program in store and a huge amount of raffle prizes for everyone to win. All the details are on
And now, I would like to ask YOU to support us by coming to the event.
We depend on you to make it a success.
It is so hard to believe that children in today's world(!) are still sold as slaves or for prostitution. It is also the hard truth that this number is very large in Nepal because of the last 13 years of political instability and war. Nepal has lots of orphans and very poor children which need an education. And we CAN easily make a difference because a relatively small amount of money goes a long way.
So I please, if at all possible, join us in Belmont on September 28th from 4pm - 10pm for our special event.
My husband, Michael, and I and the festival board would love to see you there. It would mean a lot to us.
Dr. T. will be delighted.
Yours, Anna Coulter, Dr. T's Bay Area coordinator 

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