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Dr. T's upcoming visit

From: Michael C.
Sent on: Saturday, April 10, 2010, 9:35 PM
Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren T will be back April 27th until May 2nd.
By now many of you know him and have started to appreciate his knowledge.
If you would enjoy to go to any of his inspiring lectures or workshop here is the upcoming schedule:
Tuesday 4/27 in Santa Cruz, 6:30 PM at the University Inn, OPTIMAL BRAINFUNCTION & IQ
Wednesday 4/28 in Palo Alto, 6:30 PM at the Art Center, 1313 Newell Rd, SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES FOR IMPROVING HEALTH
Thursday, 4/29 in Pleasanton, 6:30 PM at the Ruby Hill Golf Club, THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF HEALTH AND DISEASE -- PH REALITIES & MYTH

Friday, 4/30 in San Mateo, 6:30 PM at Paul's, 4000 South El Camino Real, ASK DR. T (Q & A SESSION)
Saturday, 5/1 in San Carlos, 10 - 4:30 PM, 3240 Melendy Drive, PROACTIVE SCIENCE-BASED DETOXIFICATION WORKSHOP
Sunday, 5/2 in San Francisco, 2 - 4 PM, 635 8th Street at the New Living Expo, PANEL DISCUSSION ON ANTI-AGING

If you would like more info or want to see Dr. T for a skin blemish removal session, you can contact Anna at [address removed]

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