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If you missed Market Traders Radio...

From: Mike S.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 6:15 PM

If you missed Market Traders Radio on Saturday and are looking for a proven trading strategy to add to your toolbox then you should listen to the archived show, available at

Jack and I interviewed pro trader/instructor Jeff Manson about the popular ABC setup. We dug some great tips and tricks out of Jeff. Plus, he provided us a PowerPoint presentation entitled Topping and Bottoming Patterns. Now you can use this setup for both trending and reversal trades.

If you enjoy the interview and want a copy of the PowerPoint, send me an email and I'll get it right out to you.

Trade Well,

Mike Siewruk
Online Trading Academy
Skype: Mike_Siewruk
Write: [address removed]

P.S. Listen to Market Traders Radio every Saturday at 11am on WDTK AM 1400. Not in the Detroit listening area? Stream it live at Archives and RSS feed are available at

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