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Calling all Tampa Community Connect main event volunteers!

From: Kate DeGutis L.
Sent on: Thursday, October 4, 2018, 11:39 AM

Hello everyone!

Our main annual event - Tampa Community Connect (previously known as Tampa Code Camp) - is approaching fast! Our event date is Sat. Oct. 20th! We would like to reach out to all of our members to see if anyone is interested in volunteering for our event? We have the following areas that you can volunteer for:

Event set up - 7:00 am

Registration table - available in shifts - 7am to 12pm AND/OR 12pm to 5pm

Lunch setup/cleanup - 11:30 to 1 pm

Door monitors - session times - 9 am/10am/11am/1pm/2pm/3pm/4pm (this entails making sure speakers are set up ok and directing attendees to correct rooms/session)

Social Media/Photo area - starts at 9am and throughout the day

Event clean up - 5pm

We may have volunteer t-shirts again this year, so please let us know your t-shirt size when replying to volunteer.

Please reach out to Kate Leonardo with any volunteer questions!

Mobile:[masked] or Email: [address removed]

Thanks so much in advance to our wonderful community! You all rock!  :-)

TampaDev team

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