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(THIS Tues. - come, 1st-served!) I've got a handful of nearly-free CHAR (16) PostgreSQL Conference tickets to give away!

From: Eric David B.
Sent on: Friday, December 2, 2016, 1:50 PM

I've got a few almost-free tickets to give away for the NYC CHAR (16) PostgreSQL Conference (THIS Tuesday, Dec. 6)

They only gave me a few tickets and there are lots of people reading this message - so highly recommended to do it now before they run out!

1. Open the Meetup page and click "Join and RSVP" (or just RSVP "Yes" for existing NYC SQL members) and then follow the link on that page to the CHAR (16) conference website.

2. Click to register for the conference at the full-price ($225) and then when the "select tickets" window opens enter promotion code NYCSQL to make the ticket nearly-free. Enjoy!

If the code does not work - then other people have already grabbed-up all the tickets before you - they are given away first come, first-served - get them now while you still can!

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