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What we’re about

We are a group of tech leads with a passion to continuously improve our technical skills and knowledge by sharing with each other. Our story started a couple of years ago when we realized being a better tech lead means consuming great content from many different sources: lecture videos, books, a ton of blog posts and twitter feeds from world renown tech leads . The “Aha” moment came when we realized that the most valuable source of information is the occasional small talk. It can be a conference where you meet a person who had the same challenges using a technology/library but solved it differently; Or in a meetup event, learning how to apply an architecture/design-pattern in a much better way from a person who experimented with it from a completely different angle. Those talks happen spontaneously: when you sit at the same conference lunch table or grabbing a slice of pizza while overhearing a heated discussion just before the meetup starts.If you place good people in the same location great discussions are just bound to happen.

Tech Leads IL is about those moments and those people. We meet on a monthly basis, to share our personal experiences through roundtable discussions. We refrain from lengthy monologues or one person lectures as these are easily attainable through YouTube and other groups. We focus on inspiring technical discussions.

If you’re such a tech lead, or an experienced passionate lead developer, who lead the technical foundation of your team - large or small - you are more than welcome to join us. You’ll meet people like you, and share a plethora of new experiences and production war stories.

**How does it work?**

- Pitch ideas at our [Discussion Topics Board](
- **Vote** on ideas you care for the most in the board
- We select 1 topic for next month meetup and announce it
- We meet for a fruitful roundtable discussion, learning a great deal of new knowledge.
- Continue the arguments on our Facebook group
- Goto step 1

**What is a Tech Lead?**

Being a Tech Lead is not a title - it's a behavior. Your title can be a junior developer, CTO, Team Lead or a Tech Lead. The following criteria is what we believe defines a Tech Lead for Tech Leads IL:

- Experience in a **variety** of topics: Your major area and supportive areas. Deep understanding of one topic is not variety (e.g. Only Front end development or only relational Databases, ...)
- Mentoring
- Drive to define the technical vision and take lead part in Architecture Roadmap.
- Drive the team to achieve it
- Help the team minimize technical debt
- Constantly seek new methodologies and technologies to improve on the team work and product, including: conferences, meetups, books, blogs.
- Offer guidance for design of new features

**Important Links**

- [Facebook Group]( : This is where we chat and exchange ideas. Join in.
- [Discussion Topics Board]( This is the place to pitch ideas for discussion and vote on ideas you want in next meeting.
- Twitter: Follow us at [@TechLeadsIL]( Tweeting all kind of tech leads related links.


Wix ( - Sponsors the meetup subscription payments.