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New Meetup: August Web Analytics Wednesdays Meeting and New Jobs

From: Aldo D.
Sent on: Monday, July 12, 2010, 9:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Chicago Web and Social Media Analytics Meetup!

What: August Web Analytics Wednesdays Meeting and New Jobs

When: Wednesday, August 11,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Please join our group for an evening of presentations, networking and drinks. The event kicks off at 6PM. The schedule is as follows:

Networking from 6-630PM

We have several presentations as well.

The first presenter Thomas Malkin of GeeHee ( will be speaking about The Impact of Social Media on Brand Decision Making. In his discussion he will be addressing the following:

1. Why the impact of social media on consumer purchase behavior is driving the need for firms to gain insights from it;
2. Case studies to demonstrate how social media, when quantified in aggregate at a more granular, issue-based level, can provide brand decision makers with unique, directional insights on entire product categories in a story-telling fashion;
3. How firms are using social media insights from GeeYee?s Opinion Observer to grow their business.

Our second presenter is Aldo Deijkers from Core Analytics. He will be speaking about ?APIs and Raw Social Media Comments, and Dashboard Reporting?.

Close with questions for the presenters and discussions.

After that more networking...

Sign up details at:

We look forward to seeing you there!

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