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Timmy Awards Deadline TODAY: It's the Final Countdown!

From: Jeremy R.
Sent on: Friday, August 18, 2017, 11:58 AM

Happy Friday Tech in Motion LA!

We wanted to remind you that TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY to submit a free nomination for Los Angeles' 2017 Timmy Awards! As a reminder, you can nominate for as many of the following categories as you would like:

Best Tech Manager
Best Tech Work Culture
Best Tech Startup
Best Tech Workplace for Diversity

Submit your nomination now for a chance to be crowned the best in LA tech! If you started a nomination you must complete it today to be considered for a finalist seat.

As always, this event is free for all to attend, so make sure to RSVP for the awards gala HERE!

Having difficulty completing or submitting your nomination? Let us know, we’re here to help!


-Jeremy, Marnie & the Tech in Motion Team

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