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Re: [toc] Georgia Day of Code December 13th - Volunteers Needed

From: Kendra E.
Sent on: Friday, December 12, 2014, 9:44 AM
I would love to help. I am one that does not have any programming experience, but I can assist in other ways!!!
Let me know,

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Marcellus Haynes <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi all,

On Wednesday the Technologists of Color will help to introduce approximately 180 students at Lindley Sixth Grade Academy to computer programming during the Georgia Day of Code.  The program will coincide with both the international Hour of Code program organized by and the nation-wide Computer Science Week.  The school is very excited as is the Cobb County School District.  So much so that they sent a press release to all of the local media informing them of the event!

The event falls squarely within the scope of my challenge to our community.  This is an opportunity to put our hands on the situation and directly affect the lives of students (and adults) by sharing our time, knowledge, experience, etc.

This initiative was put together very quickly (in just 10 days) with the assistance of the school pricipal and key faculty members.  We will conduct a total of 6 sessions - 3 classes during each of 2 school periods. We currently have 3 volunteers (including myself) committed to help, so we are in need of at least 3 additional volunteers.  Please let me know if you are available and would like to assist in the program on Wednesday.  It is preferable that you have some programming experience; but it's not absolutely necessary.    

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Warm Regards,

Kendra Emeruem
IT Staffing and Recruitment Specialist

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