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App Showcase - Presenter Signup

From: Marcellus H.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 1:53 PM

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a wonderful time during the holidays and have embarked on this new year with new energy and excitement.  We have many events and activities planned for ToC in 2015.  Our first is the "App Showcase" on the 29th of this month.  This is an opportunity for those of you who have apps, startups, projects, etc. in the works to present it to the community and receive constructive feedback.  Each presenter will be given 5-10 minutes to give a presentation/pitch and field questions from the audience.

We have a few presenters committed already.  If you would like to present your idea/app/startup/website please send me an email as soon as possible as we are filling up the time-slots for the event.

Thanks and see you soon!!

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