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Goodie Hack / Coding Summer Camp / Split Hiring

From: Marcellus H.
Sent on: Thursday, May 12, 2016, 8:00 AM


**** Goodie Hack ****

From our friends at Goodie Nation...

We're organizing the Hack Mob APS Dream Jamboree 2016 Innovation Lab during the day on Friday. The students will be generating innovative ideas for the classroom future. And it would be awesome if you came out to the Pitch Competition on Friday night. It takes place at the historic Howard High School which is where Martin Luther King Jr. attended from 3rd - 6th grade. Doors open at 6pm, and you can register (free) here. 

:: Key Details::
+ Friday, May 13, 2016
+ Pitch Competition for Hack Mob Atlanta Public Schools Dream Jamboree 2016 Innovation Lab
+ Hosted By Blayne Alexander (11Alive News)
+ Judges: Jay Bailey, Leslie Grant, Rodney Sampson, & More
+ Historic Howard High Schools | Doors open at 6pm
+ Cost: Zero
+ Register at

***** Digital Music and Coding Summer Camp ****

Great News!!  If you haven't heard already ToC is partnering with Life School on a coding summer camp which features the Earsketch tool from Georgia Tech.  Students create hot tracks while learning to code!  How cool is that??

The camp is available for any middle or high school student who is interested in music and technology. Students do NOT need any previous programming experience. 

Check out the web page for more information at ->

Want to register right away??  Go here ->

PLEASE!!....Spread the word!! This is a great opportunity for students to learn "real" programming using one of the hottest programming languages - and have fun doing it.  Also, proceeds from this camp will go a long way in helping us continue advocating for technology in our community.

**** Split - Looking for Ruby/Rails Developers ****

The following is a message from Matthew Suber - Co-Founder of Split - via the ToC Slack Channel...

Looking for mobile and Ruby on Rails developers for my company Split in Atlanta - they’ll be joining the product team where we are looking to add to our head count - please DM and take a look at for more information

Another example of the info shared on our Slack Channel.  #ijs

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Peace and Love,

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