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What we’re about

TensorFlow Nairobi are a local community of technologists who are interested in advancing their knowledge of TensorFlow, its use cases and applications.

If you are interested in TensorFlow and Deep Learning and their applications in real world problems, or if you just want to start with these technologies but you don't know how, join our group.

Help us grow the community, share knowledge, and enjoy a regular dose of human interaction, smiles and conversations on all things TensorFlow.


- Showcase success stories of projects built by Kenya’s AI and data science talent and powered by TensorFlow

- Incorporate models that brings together rigorous academic research and industry R&D

- Enable developers to create and deploy their own deep learning models built using TensorFlow

- Exploring use cases on TensorFlow usage from research to business applications

If you're interested in giving a presentation at our group, please contact the organizers or send your talk proposal here: We are always on the lookout for people that want to share their knowledge and experience with other group members.

*Disclaimer: TensorFlow Nairobi is an independent group, our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google the corporation or the TensorFlow library.