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What we’re about

This group provides a platform to learn the concept of Automated Software Testing in the Agile world. Our agenda is to create a network of Software Professionals who can spread knowledge of Automation Tools, Software testing best practices, Continous Integration and Deployment & Agile ways of working.

Our favorite discussion topics:

1. Functional Automation Testing - Selenium Webdriver, WebdriverIO, QTP, LeanFT, Katalon etc

2. Non-Functional Automation Testing - Accessibility (pa11y, Total Validator, FireEyes), Performance (LoadRunner, JMeter), Compatibility(Saucelabs, Browserstack) etc

3. Machine Learning & AI in Software testing

4. Agile Methodologies

Who should join?

Expert/Aspiring Automation Testers, Manual Testers, Developers, Machine Learning professionals, DevOps professionals