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Deadline to apply for ASPS Summer Master Classes + Volunteers Needed

From: Blair
Sent on: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 3:26 PM

Hi All,

I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful spring day. I'm writing to remind you that the application deadline is quickly approaching for the Summer of Song master class programs. If you are interested in participating as a singer please go online to access the application and submit before May 15th, 2013. A pianist will be provided for this event. Also, we are looking for interested volunteers who might be interested in attending these events for free in exchange for assistance with seating and working the door. Lastly, the Mary Trueman Vocal Competition application deadline is August 15th and the winner will be sponsored in his or her own NYC recital, so don't delay....apply today!

Please contact me if you have any questions.

All the best,


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