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Million Dollar Quartet, @Marcus Center,[masked]

From: user 7.
Sent on: Monday, November 7, 2011, 12:16 PM
Attn: Theater Meetup Fans, 
There is an offer set up for Million Dollar Quartet, at the Marcus Center,
for Wednesday night, November 16, 2011, 7:30pm at Uihlein Hall here at the MCPA
I have the wonderful discount prices available for that evening, best seats in the orchestra
are Reg price $80-MUG price $63, Back rows orchestra, front of the loge, side loge, Reg price
is $75, MUG price is $47.50, Loge Rows F-J reg price is $70, MUG discount is $42.50, Loge
rows K and L, regular price $52, Meet up group discount, $22.50, and balcony, $27, MUG price
is $22.50. It is up and going on and our group code is

Million Dollar Quartet is a spectacular show, this is the Broadway tour of it. It is based on a true
story, a rare night, Dec 4, 1956 in Memphis, at Sun Records, the only time Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis,
Carl Perkins, and Elvis Presley got together for a jam session. It is outstanding, I saw it in Chicago, one of the

Here is a link from the Tony Awards:
The price listed is the bottom line price, inclusive of all fees, taxes, etc. and we will mail out the
tickes to groups when they are ordered! Many thanks, also working on a night for John McGivern
in the Milwaukee premier of A KODACHROME CHRISTMAS.

Inquire if interested.. more info maybe added.. stay tuned.
Thank you,

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