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Change the American Diet: Scientist Wanted

From: Don R.
Sent on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 9:20 AM
Change the American Diet: Scientist Wanted ? Full Time
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a non-profit
consumer organization conducting innovative programs in nutrition, alcohol policy,
and food safety. CSPI publishes _Nutrition Action Healthletter_
( , the nation's largest-circulation health newsletter.
CSPI strives to provide useful, impartial information to the public,
represent citizens' interests before legislative, regulatory, and judicial bodies,
and ensure that advances in science are used for the public's good. CSPI is
supported by its 900,000 subscribers to Nutrition Action Healthletter and
foundation grants.
CSPI is seeking a scientist to evaluate studies and write articles for
Nutrition Action Healthletter (, the nation's most-read
nutrition newsletter (circulation: 950,000), which focuses on nutrition, food
safety, and exercise. This is a unique opportunity to play a key role in an
organization that has had a profound effect on the way Americans eat.
Superior analytical skills are required for this scientist to research and
draft articles and review others' articles for scientific accuracy under tight
deadlines. A Ph.D. in nutrition, epidemiology, or public health (diet and
health focus) is required, as well as at least 3 to 5 years experience in
evaluating research on diet and health. This person would be part of a team that
draws independent conclusions about current scientific research and translates
those conclusions into useful advice to consumers.
Salary is commensurate with experience. CSPI offers a generous and
comprehensive benefits package along with a healthy working environment. Please send a
cover letter and resume to:

Center for Science in the Public Interest
Attn: NAS
1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. #300
Washington, D.C. [masked]

Email: [address removed]_ (mailto:[address removed])

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