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World Peace Party Today

From: Don R.
Sent on: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 6:47 AM
(replies to this message will go to entire group email list)

Hi Meetup Member,

We are looking toward a beautiful day for this event in Westminster, from 12:05 'til 5:05 pm! The event will be held on a lovely 28-acre mostly wooded privately owned setting.

Please stop by the Earthsave Baltimore tent to say "Hi" and check out our books and free info and on healthier eating. (and free GO VEG bumper stickers too!) We will be under the green canopy right next to the large white tent. Hope to see you there!

Peace, Don

World Peace Party ~ In Honor of International Day of Peace ~

Join us for an afternoon of peace celebrations including:

Native American Flute music by nationally recognized artist Jan Seiden
Singer, Guitarist and Intuitive Musician Alina Lightchaser
Drumming Circle (you?ll want to bring your drum for this!)
Dances of Universal Peace
Peace Pole Planting Ceremony
Children?s Activities
Information Fair & Vendors
Variety of healthy food choices available for sale

When: September 20, 2009 Noon-5 PM
(Rain Date ? September 27, 2009)
Where: Sweet Peace Farm
3761 Back Woods Rd
Westminster, MD 21158
Cost: $10 per person, children under 12 free
Parking is $3 per car
(Bring your own Picnic Lunch and Lawn Chair)
If you would like to be a sponsor or vendor, contact Nancie at [address removed] [masked]).