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Veg Meetup in Hagerstown

From: Don R.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 9:49 PM
(replies will go to organizer)

Tara writes:

National Nutrition Month Vegan Potluck

March 28 at 3pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Hagerstown

March is National Nutrition Month! And, what better way to nourish yourself than with some healthy vegan food! There are many reasons for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle, including ethical, environmental and health. This month we'll focus on the health benefits of a vegan diet and discuss the basics of whole foods nutrition, share our favorite healthy recipes and veg lifestyle success stories!

Whether you're just curious about vegetarianism or you're a veg veteran and wish you knew more vegetarians and vegans in the area, come share a great meal and expand your veg social circle! We are a supportive group where we can openly discuss dietary issues, environmental and health concerns, and social challenges. We welcome your input and ideas for future meetings.

Since the focus is on good nutrition this month, please bring a healthy whole foods vegan dish containing no animal products (meat, egg, dairy or honey) to serve at least six to eight people. For recipe ideas, check out If possible, bring a list of ingredients to help those with allergies or food sensitivities.

Note: If possible, please bring along your own place setting (plate, bowl, cup & silverware), to ensure we have enough to go around without using disposable stuff. Thanks!

A donation box will be provided for a suggested donation of $1/person. Though not required, it is appreciated, as a gesture of thanks to the church for allowing us to use the space.

We're looking forward to seeing you!

To sign-up for our MeetUp group and/or RSVP for these events, go to: