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Re: [The-Bath-Everything-Meetup-Group] £1 toward fees

From: Debbie
Sent on: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 10:20 PM
Hi Claire,
I haven't been to an event since last year so haven't seen anyone or paid any dues.  Hope to get back on the scene soon so please do ask me (although I would expect to remember) for a few pounds next time I see you.
Debbie x

From: claire <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17,[masked]:13 PM
Subject: [The-Bath-Everything-Meetup-Group] £1 toward fees

Hiya All,
I'm still short £18 for the fees.  This £1 from each of you covers a six month period. That's 16 pence a month lol.
If you haven't paid would you mind just giving it to me next time you see me.  I dont like asking for it and I cant remember who has paid and who hass't.
Thanks so much.
x o

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]