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Re: [The-Bath-Everything-Meetup-Group] Suggestions and scheduling

From: Mark R.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 23, 2011, 9:04 PM

On 23/08/2011, claire <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> If you have a suggestion for a meet and want me to announce it or post it,
> could you email it to the Organisers (not sure if there is this option in
> tools).  As I am not able to get to a computer everday and could miss it.
> This weekend I'm walking in Shropshire and am not sure what the reception
> will be like.    But it's best to do this anyway.
> Barrie, Elizabeth and Alan, I think you have more experience with the site
> and understanding it.  If somebody suggests something and I dont
> post/announce it the same day, would you mind doing it please.
> Thanks all.
> Claire
> xo
> --
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> This message was sent by claire ([address removed]) from The Bath
> Everything Meetup Group.
> To learn more about claire, visit his/her member profile
> Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] |
> [address removed]