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The New "Black of Clubs"

From: Ndidi
Sent on: Friday, October 24, 2014, 4:43 PM

Dear All

If anyone has read “The Tipping Point” Malcolm Gladwell book you will know there is a magical number of “150”
You can only really know and interact meaningfully with 150 people, it’s the optimal number for companies, tribes and groups of many kind.

I have decided to apply this concept to the Black of Clubs so that people have a better experience and make friends when interacting with the group.

This also means:

  1. If you have not attended a meetup within one year of joining or within the last year you will be removed from the group.
  2. If you have not visited the site in the last 6 months you will be removed from the group.
  3. More importantly If your number 151 out of the 2 points above..............

The good news is that I have already reduced the number to below 150 to keep the membership current and active, so let’s see how it goes.

I look forward to seeing you soon.





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