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What we’re about

Our mission is to gather all the Chinese people in the great Boston area—those who are planning to start a business or trying to grow a business—to discuss business strategies, business opportunities, and business trends in United States. Our final goal is to help people become more successful in their businesses. We also want to provide a communication platform for the small business owners who are seeking employees and people who are looking for jobs. You are really welcome to join us if you are: • Planning to start a business or trying to grow a business • Looking for jobs • Have business and marketing experiences • Have customer service and retail selling experiences • Teachers and coaches • MBA graduate We really welcome all kinds of people to join us and give us their help and support. Communication language: mainly in Mandarin; those who can only speak Cantonese can contact us ahead for translation. 我们的宗旨是聚集波士顿地区想创业和正在创业,想做生意和正在做生意的中国人。共同探讨在北美做生意的方法,各种商机,未来经济发展的潮流与趋势。最终目的是让大家在北美创业中少走弯路。我们也想为小型企业主寻找雇员及一些没工作想找工作者提供一个交流平台。 我们真诚欢迎以下人员参加: 1, 想创业和正在创业者; 2, 想做生意和正在做生意者; 3, 想找工作者; 4, 有经商经验者; 5, 从事服务和销售人员; 6, 老师和教练; 7, BMA毕业者。 真诚的欢迎社会知名人士及企业家给我们以支持与资助。 交流语言:以普通话为主,只会广东话不会普通话者可以提前联系我们帮助提供翻译。