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From: Jamie G.
Sent on: Monday, October 2, 2017, 5:00 PM

Its Official!

The torch is being passed as we speak! Circles of Rhythm is under the new leadership of Julien Lepage. Come out on Wednesday night or Friday night to celebrate! The music, the love, the connections, the community, the spirit, the place to reboot, the place to find yourself, the place to realize that we are SO much better when we are working together and not against each other, the place to be with rhythm. Its all going to carry on. With your help support and desire to see Circles of Rhythm stay alive, it will. We are excited about our next chapter, and we love honor and are forever grateful to the lady who started with one tiny light, one tiny vision to bring people together with drumming. Twenty years later she is saying, it is time to place this creation into someone else's hands. Judy is a magnificent human being and her vision is far reaching. She will take the well deserved space between the beats and watch as the 'bird' leaves the nest. Can we keep this creation going? Help us to step forward with confidence. Our vision is to step into the WE mentality with every step we take moving forward. We intend to thrive with the INTERDEPENDENCE that makes every circle successful. It is happening one DRUM CIRCLE AT A TIME! Email us at [address removed] for any questions, or to book a drum circle soon. If you plan to attend the Book Launch on Wednesday, email [address removed] to RSVP

Love to all of you!

Jamie Gore and the Circles of Rhythm Team

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