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Chris Hondros - A Retrospective at ArtSpace until May 26th - A North Carolina Story

From: Amy J
Sent on: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 10:33 PM

 Appropriately one year ago Chris Hondros, a photojournalist was killed while on assignment in Misurata, Libya. I first heard of his and his colleague's death on the Rachel Maddow Show. It was a few hours afterwards I received an email that Chris was the brother of my co-worker Dean Hondros. Now those who knew and love Chris are working to reconcile the lost of his life. Tonight was the opening of an exhibit of Chris' work (ArtSpace in Raleigh, NC until May 26th). I was reminded through Chris' photos that Americans are discontented from the Wars we wage. Please consider visiting the exhibit and supporting the Chris Hondros Fund. There is one photo in the exhibit which I find haunting. It's from April 14th, 2011 of rebel fights in Libya taken days before Chris's death on April 20th.

Here are the details:
